1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 28, 2007 7:07 AM by pmuir

    MAIL thanks to templating language


      Hi !
      I use jboss-seam-1.2.1.GA and jboss-4.0.5.GA.

      I want to send the message bellow but a can't use "#{mb.firstName} #{mb.lastName}" in <m:from> tag ! Indeed when I use it, I see only the address value of the from tag and not the name value ! But when I put "My team" in the name value of the from tag all works normally !
      It's very strange because when I put this information("#{mb.firstName} #{mb.lastName}") in the body of my message, the firstname and the last name is display!

      I have an other question on this subject ! Is it possible to hide email addresses !? Because each email of the mailSetcollection is display in an email !
      Do you have an idea to help me please ?

      Thank you !

      The email template :

      <m:message xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
       <m:from name="My Team" address="xxxx@xxx.com"/>
       <ui:repeat value="#{homeManager.mailSet}" var="mail">
       <m:to name="#{mail}" address="#{mail}" />
       <m:subject>My subject!</m:subject>
       I just want to invite you !!
       <img src="#{mb.picSmall}" style="padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px;padding-right:10px;" alt=" "/>
       <h:outputText value="#{mb.firstName} #{mb.lastName}" />

        • 1. Re: MAIL thanks to templating language


          "Chloe" wrote:
          I want to send the message bellow but a can't use "#{mb.firstName} #{mb.lastName}" in <m:from> tag

          This should work just fine. Post the actual template you are using.

          I have an other question on this subject ! Is it possible to hide email addresses !? Because each email of the mailSetcollection is display in an email !

          Don't understand the question - perhaps you want to use a bcc?