5 Replies Latest reply on Dec 21, 2007 4:39 AM by braddm7

    @In and @Out in CONVERSATION scope


      Hello, guys.

      I believe that my question is silly but it is the correct place to ask:

      I have the following code:
      @In(required=false,scope=CONVERSATION) @Out(required=true,scope=CONVERSATION)
      private List someBeans;
      public void someBeansDoInit(){

      The Facelet has this code:
      <h:commandButton value="OK" actionListener="#{theAction.doSomething}">
      <f:param name="conversationId" value="#{conversation.id}" />

      The issue is that the value of 'someBeans' is lost. In debug mode in Eclipse I see that someBeans=null, which makes me think that somehow the conversation is lost. Or not ? Thank you for your help in advance.