1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 14, 2007 4:45 PM by eric_bmx

    Unable to shutdown server after adding seam PDF support


      After adding the jars

      I am no longer able to shutdown JBoss. The problem exists even if the there are no references to the DocumentStoreServlet in web.xml or document-store in components.xml.

      The JBoss server.log file contains the following for the shutdown time

      2007-12-14 11:13:37,294 INFO [org.jboss.system.server.Server] Shutting down the server, blockingShutdown: false
      2007-12-14 11:13:37,310 INFO [org.jboss.system.server.Server] Server exit(0) called
      2007-12-14 11:13:37,310 INFO [org.jboss.system.server.Server] Runtime shutdown hook called, forceHalt: true
      2007-12-14 11:13:37,310 INFO [org.jboss.system.server.Server] JBoss SHUTDOWN: Undeploying all packages
      2007-12-14 11:13:37,310 INFO [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] undeploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console, warUrl=.../deploy/jmx-console.war/
      2007-12-14 11:13:37,373 INFO [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] undeploy, ctxPath=/bacTWeb, warUrl=.../tmp/deploy/tmp18770bacTWeb-exp.war/
      2007-12-14 11:13:37,388 INFO [org.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl] closing
      2007-12-14 11:13:41,014 ERROR [STDERR] Exception in thread "AWT-Windows"
      2007-12-14 11:13:41,014 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Shutdown in progress
      2007-12-14 11:13:41,014 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Shutdown.add(Shutdown.java:81)
      2007-12-14 11:13:41,014 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Runtime.addShutdownHook(Runtime.java:190)
      2007-12-14 11:13:41,014 ERROR [STDERR] at sun.awt.windows.WToolkit.run(WToolkit.java:255)
      2007-12-14 11:13:41,014 ERROR [STDERR] at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

      Supposedly adding java.awt.headles=true is supposed to fix that "AWT-Windows exception" but assuming I have it being passed it properly, it is not.

      Boot.log has the following lines, so I believe the headless property is likely being set properly

      11:09:30,334 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.awt.printerjob: sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob
      11:09:30,334 DEBUG [ServerInfo] awt.toolkit: sun.awt.windows.WToolkit
      11:09:30,334 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.awt.headless: true
      11:09:30,334 DEBUG [ServerInfo] java.awt.graphicsenv: sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment

      My guess is that it's related to JFreeChart or the BarCode support. Does anybody have any ideas for what else I can try?

      Worst case I guess I could try to put together a trimmed down seam-pdf.jar that doesn't support charting, barcodes, or images as I don't require any of that.