3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 20, 2007 8:05 AM by pmuir

    need help with url rewriting



      i'm using the urlrewritefilter to pretty up my product links for a better google indexing (removing product parameter).



      is transferred via url rewriting rule to


      rewriting rule

      but my problem ist that i've no idee at the momant how to rewrite outbound links in my facelets. i read the paragraph about outbound-rule in the in the manuel (http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/manual/3.0/). now i'm wondering how i can use this together with s:link? what about form submits or redirects (action outcome null)? please help to sort things out :)

      possible rewriting outbound rule (?)

      any hints/ideas?


        • 1. Re: need help with url rewriting

          I had a few problems with this. Managed to figure it out

           <outbound-rule match-type="wildcard">

          You'll probably want to substitute the .faces for .seam instead.

          • 2. Re: need help with url rewriting

            thank you for your reply :) but my problem ist that i don't know how to handle s:links and form submits. how do i rewrite these urls? i have already an outbound rule but it is'nt applied...


            • 3. Re: need help with url rewriting

              Outbound rules should be applied to any link JSF builds (urlrewrite hooks into the Servlet encoding engine). I've never done this personally though.