1. Re: relative vs absolute urls (problem with proxy)
pmuir Jan 6, 2008 4:05 PM (in response to sztank)JSF uses absolute URLs AFAIK. I don't think you can change this. I think you need either to alter the context path of your application to match, or configure some sort of outbound url rewriting.
2. Re: relative vs absolute urls (problem with proxy)
sztank Jan 7, 2008 3:32 AM (in response to sztank)Thanks for the tip!
Access through the proxy like that it is a common scenario maybe there is some example available of such config or some resources that could helps? -
3. Re: relative vs absolute urls (problem with proxy)
sztank Jan 16, 2008 1:10 PM (in response to sztank)Hi,
I still have this problem:(.. I found this article:
but that is about problem with links. I do not have any problem with links, just with form submit.
Please could someone give me some help...
I put much effort and time to know Seam but know I stack with this problem. -
4. Re: relative vs absolute urls (problem with proxy)
sztank Jan 18, 2008 4:05 AM (in response to sztank)Ok, I managed to solve this problem. It was possible to configure Apache reverse proxy to translate jboss http headers (302 redirect). So now the JSF navigation works ok behind the proxy.