1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 12, 2009 8:09 PM by alexsmirnov

    richfaces and xhtml-files (js scripts) and portlet


      I am developing a richfaces-portlet and want to run it in liferay. So far it works fine, but the generated xhtml-files (AJAX script-files: ...org.ajax4jsf.javascript.AjaxScript.xhtml) are not imported in the sourcecode when running richfaces in liferay! When and where does the richfaces framework import the script-files to the markup?

        • 1. Re: richfaces and xhtml-files (js scripts) and portlet

          Sorry for a late response. These resources injected by the Jboss portletbridge implementation. I just got JSF RI Cardemo sample working in the Liferay portal a few days ago, and didn't fix other problems yet. Ongoing portlet bridge release candidate will work with RichFaces and Liferay portal properly.