3 Replies Latest reply on Feb 3, 2008 8:49 PM by luc_yuan

    the best way to maintain  search conditions?


      i got 3 pages.list,edit and confirm.In the list page there are some search conditions,i generate my project using seam-gen and i find the search are all passed using page paramters.And i also try to put the list into conversation,but it seems to be not the best way to maintain the conditions,so i wonder if i make a bean and just put all my condition in it ,when it finishes the comfirm page and back to list,i can do the search according to conditions in conversation.
      home is already in conversation,so i wonder how could i put the condition bean into home.
      for example

       ..... search conditions
       <h:commandButton action="TestHome.update" value="search"/>

      condition bean:
       class Condition {
       private String conOne;
       private String conTwo;

       public void update() {
       Condition con = new Condition();

      how can i keep this con in conversation and whenever i come back to list i can use it,please give me some hits,thanks a lot.