0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 29, 2008 2:02 PM by asookazian

    getting ADsPath via Seam identity object


      is this possible? (not very proficient with AD, so not sure what it's called exactly - JNDI/LDAP node path to a user or group??)

      how to extract the following info from the Seam identity object or do we have to use JNDI/LDAP query to do that based on username only?


      (&(objectCategory=Group)(member=CN=Arbi Sookazian (CCI-Orange County),OU=Users,OU=Admin Users,OU=Users and Computers,OU=Orange County,OU=CCI,DC=CORP,DC=COX,DC=com))

      we're trying to get a list back of distro lists as well in our Seam app as part of our authorization layer...