0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 29, 2009 11:40 AM by artemisd3sp

    Disconnecting Error JSESSIONID Cookie


      I get some technical troubles about lost of user session in JBOSS context .

      The user session is identified by the jboss server with a cookie session: JSESSIONID .

      So i could observed that this problem appears when the user didn't have interacting with the Application but there is some background Ajax requests which continues to work, and when there are some HTTP status code (like 302).

      The technical environment is the following:
      - Web application hosted by jboss-4.0.5.GA
      - OS is SUN SOLARIS 10
      - Hardware system is SUN T5120
      - internet browser client is FireFox 3
      - pc client are Windows XP or Linux OpenSuse 10.3

      The actual workaround is to close the client FireFox and to run another one (not the best solution).

      Thanks for your help