8 Replies Latest reply on Nov 22, 2006 5:06 AM by noel.rocher

    Documentation coming very soon !

      Yes ;)
      It's my goal for this week ... I hope wednesday night all would be ok !

      @Soon ;)


        • 1. Re: Documentation coming very soon !

          Cool !

          It's needed as my first hour was to set up the maven repo with required libraries, then after a successfull install, deploy is failing.

          I'm waiting your doco, then I'm going to provide some examples.

          Good job Cyril :))

          • 2. Re: Documentation coming very soon !

            Deploy is failing ?
            When you execute mvn install, the Reporting Service doesn't deploy ?

            You must have a JBOSS_HOME env variable setted !

            I will do this quickly !



            • 3. Re: Documentation coming very soon !

              "mvn install" gives :

              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] Reactor Summary:
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] Reporting Services .................................... SUCCESS [3.550s]
              [INFO] dev ................................................... SUCCESS [0.023s]
              [INFO] Reporting Services - Modules .......................... SUCCESS [0.016s]
              [INFO] Modules - Common (client and server) .................. SUCCESS [1.255s]
              [INFO] Modules - Client ...................................... SUCCESS [0.033s]
              [INFO] Client - API .......................................... SUCCESS [0.556s]
              [INFO] Modules - Server ...................................... SUCCESS [0.089s]
              [INFO] Server - API .......................................... SUCCESS [0.205s]
              [INFO] Server - Implementation ............................... SUCCESS [17.038s]
              [INFO] Modules - Admin Console ............................... SUCCESS [0.023s]
              [INFO] Admin Console - Service Client ........................ SUCCESS [0.190s]
              [INFO] Admin Console - Service Implementation ................ SUCCESS [0.162s]
              [INFO] Client - Implementation ............................... SUCCESS [0.119s]
              [INFO] Modules - Default Engines ............................. SUCCESS [0.011s]
              [INFO] Engine - JFreeReport .................................. SUCCESS [0.156s]
              [INFO] Engine - JasperReports ................................ SUCCESS [0.185s]
              [INFO] Admin Console - Web admin console ..................... SUCCESS [0.854s]
              [INFO] Reporting Services - Distribs ......................... SUCCESS [0.026s]
              [INFO] Distribs - SAR ........................................ SUCCESS [3.403s]
              [INFO] Distribs - Deployers .................................. SUCCESS [1.062s]
              [INFO] [INFO] Scanning for projects...
              [INFO] Reactor build order:
              [INFO] Reporting Services
              [INFO] dev
              [INFO] Reporting Services - Modules
              [INFO] Modules - Common (client and server)
              [INFO] Modules - Client
              [INFO] Client - API
              [INFO] Modules - Server
              [INFO] Server - API
              [INFO] Server - Implementation
              [INFO] Modules - Admin Console
              [INFO] Admin Console - Service Client
              [INFO] Admin Console - Service Implementation
              [INFO] Client - Implementation
              [INFO] Modules - Default Engines
              [INFO] Engine - JFreeReport
              [INFO] Engine - JasperReports
              [INFO] Admin Console - Web admin console
              [INFO] Reporting Services - Distribs
              [INFO] Distribs - SAR
              [INFO] Distribs - Deployers
              [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] Building Reporting Services
              [INFO] task-segment: [deploy]
              [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin: checking for updates from mergere
              [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin: checking for updates from mojo.snapshots
              [INFO] [site:attach-descriptor]
              [INFO] Preparing source:jar
              [WARNING] Removing: jar from forked lifecycle, to prevent recursive invocation.
              [INFO] No goals needed for project - skipping
              [INFO] [source:jar {execution: default}]
              [INFO] NOT adding sources to attached artifacts for packaging: 'pom'.
              [INFO] [install:install]
              [INFO] Installing /app/java/JBossIDE-2.0.0.Beta2-Bundle-linux-gtk/workspace/ReportingServices/pom.xml to /app/java/maven/REPO/jboss/reportingservices/reporting-services/0.2-SNAPSHOT/reporting-services-0.2-SNAPSHOT.pom
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [ERROR] BUILD ERROR
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] Failed to configure plugin parameters for: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.2.1
              check that the following section of the pom.xml is present and correct:
               <!-- use the following if you're not using a snapshot version. -->
               <name>Repository Name</name>
               <!-- use the following if you ARE using a snapshot version. -->
               <name>Repository Name</name>
              Cause: Class 'org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository' cannot be instantiated
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] Total time: 15 seconds
              [INFO] Finished at: Mon Oct 30 23:34:58 CET 2006
              [INFO] Final Memory: 8M/15M
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
              [INFO] Total time: 33 seconds
              [INFO] Finished at: Mon Oct 30 23:33:24 CET 2006
              [INFO] Final Memory: 15M/27M
              [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

              but "mvn deploy" gives

              • 4. Re: Documentation coming very soon !

                ok, there is a typo in my previous message. After install, the code shows the deploy error.
                Below, take a look at the error only.

                • 5. Re: Documentation coming very soon !

                  I see, I was using the property file to set my JBOSS_HOME .
                  It doesn't work. We should remove this file or use it. Using a property seems better to me as we can also set up the conf name.

                  BUT ... it works !

                  • 6. Re: Documentation coming very soon !

                    it deployes well at your's ?
                    I am writing doc to know how to get from svn and install locally with maven (how to develop too ...).

                    I hope it would be ok this night !


                    • 7. Re: Documentation coming very soon !

                      One of the items I would like to see, either in documentation or on the wiki, is a comparison as to why to choose Reporting Services over existing open source reporting projects to help show the ideal/reason for developing the Reporting Services project.

                      *OpenReport/openreports project
                      *Pentaho project

                      • 8. Re: Documentation coming very soon !

                        We are seeing a report as a JEE component and enterprise services around it.

                        BI and other OLAP is not our target.