1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 19, 2006 1:28 AM by noel.rocher

    Maven artifact ids

      Hi guys.

      I created a JIRA task to uniform the maven artifact ids of the modules.
      As explain in this task, the naming is not similar for the modules.

      I think we have to adopt rapidly a naming convention for modules and follow it because I'm losing a lot of time after each update to make project compilation working because of mistakes on maven configuration.
      I suppose it's the same for you...

      Noel started to modify some modules with a artifact id like reporting-services-<modules-names>.
      It seems to be a good compromise to avoid deployment conflict with other project even if it is a little redundant with the maven group id.
      What do you think about considere this as the rule ?


        • 1. Re: Maven artifact ids

          client & common libraries should be prefixed as they will be deployed outside the sar. Server side libs will be deployed inside the sar, so no need to prefix them.
          However, prefixing the server side libs is possible too.