3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 24, 2007 11:11 AM by dkochheiser

    Sample portlet


      Is there anyone who know the steps to create sample portlet.
      Or anyone has developed portlet other tham "portal-forums".

      If you know the steps for portlet developement using jboss, please share it.


        • 1. Re: Sample portlet

          I am modifying the Image Gallery Porlet. I am also writing my RSS feeds portlet.

          So if you want, you can work with me. I can help you out to whatever extent I can

          • 2. Re: Sample portlet

            Can u pls tell me how can I add my jsp portel into my PORTAL.
            What steps need to be followed to include my created jsp into Repositary...

            Thanks in advance!

            • 3. Re: Sample portlet

              The quick start guide walks you through how to manually install a new portlet from an existing war file. (Chapter 5 in the 2.6Beta1).

              Your other option is to specify where it will get deployed in the *-object.xml file using the <parent-ref> attribute, then simply placing the .war in the deploy directory. This is referenced on page 40 in the 'Reference Guide'. If you use this method, your portlet will magically appear on the specified page without having to use the web interface to do it.

              If you are starting a portal from scratch, the steps are outlined in the 'Reference Guide' in chapter 5. I ended up redoing most of the build scripts to suit my needs from the tutorials. Don't place the portal-*.jars into the lib directory otherwise the app will not deploy into the server. If you do, you'll get a 'WARN [PortletAppDeployment] Failed to create instance yourportlet of portlet ...' message. Took me a while to figure out what the issue was there.