1. Re: Config Kosmos Portlet
aron.gombas Jul 11, 2006 8:32 AM (in response to melpelotones)Hi,
If you have downloaded the vendor-independent package (kosmos-0.2.0RC2.zip), then go to the kosmos-0.2.0RC2/portlet dir and launch that command.
If you're using Liferay, plz note that there is dedicated package (kosmos-0.2.0RC2-for-liferay-portal.zip) available! You can download that from the project downloads page, then simply extract it to the /webapps dir of Liferay and voila! -
2. Re: Config Kosmos Portlet
melpelotones Jul 11, 2006 9:54 AM (in response to melpelotones)Thank you Aron, I have been able to deploy the portlets,
but now I am having problems with Jira Authenticahtion, I have seen
in Kosmos Jira that there some soap implementation in order to get authenticated,can you give please the steps I have to follow?
Thank you very much for your quick answer
Best Regards, -
3. Re: Config Kosmos Portlet
aron.gombas Jul 11, 2006 11:38 AM (in response to melpelotones)Great news.
Plz the answer for your other question in the other forum.
Enjoy. :) -
4. Re: Config Kosmos Portlet
lamerbot Oct 18, 2006 3:42 AM (in response to melpelotones)Hello.
Hi, I am trying to configure Kosmos in Liferay 4.1.2.
I deployed portlet but i am not able to see the portlets in Liferay. -
5. Re: Config Kosmos Portlet
aron.gombas Oct 19, 2006 10:41 AM (in response to melpelotones)What happens?
Can you see them in the portlet selector comboboxes?