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1. Re: Kosmos refresh button
aron.gombas Nov 28, 2006 12:12 PM (in response to bjoy)Hi!
"bjoy" wrote:
The portlet has a refresh button. However all that seems to happen when pressed is that the entire portal page refreshes. I don't see updated information about the repository.
That button is reserved for partial reloads via AJAX (implemented at some point in the future): I mean the plan is that you can reload a single portlet without reloading the whole portal page. Currently, it simply reloads the whole page."bjoy" wrote:
How can I get the latest information without having to restart the portal?
You can schedule your updates as you wish! See the server configuration section in the Kosmos Manual:The trigger for the update scheduler can be configured as a standard Spring trigger bean, either a simple one or a cron-style one: <bean id="serviceResultUpdateTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SimpleTriggerBean"> <property name="jobDetail" ref="serviceResultUpdaterJob"/> <property name="startDelay" value="7200000"/><!-- start and repeat in every 2 hours --> <property name="repeatInterval" value="7200000"/> </bean> <!-- Alternatively, a cron-style trigger can be used. For this, remove the previous bean definition and use this one: <bean id="serviceResultUpdateTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean"> <property name="jobDetail" ref="serviceResultUpdaterJob"/> <property name="cronExpression" value="0 0 6 * * ?"/> </bean> --> All the information delivered by the services will be automatically refreshed in the given time. For example, you can schedule a very expensive Subversion repository traversal at 2 o'clock in the morning every day, so the portal will reflect up-to-date results by the time you get to your browser.
"bjoy" wrote:
I see in the roadmap that the 0.3.0 version is supposed to have an auto refresh capability.
This is already available in 0.2.0RC2."bjoy" wrote:
A secondary question: is Kosmos is under active development? It has been a long time without any updates.
Unfortunately (fortunately? :)), I got very busy recently with other (day time) projects, and I contributed 95% of the code so far. Feel free to join the project or donate to the project, if you like it and would like to see this improving. -
2. Re: Kosmos refresh button
bjoy Dec 7, 2006 11:09 AM (in response to bjoy)Thanks for the information, I had missed the documentation on the update scheduler.
I tried configuring an update every few minutes to see the behavior. It is updating but I do have to refresh using the portlet button or via the browser to actually see it. -
3. Re: Kosmos refresh button
aron.gombas Dec 7, 2006 11:43 AM (in response to bjoy)Glad that it helped.
Yes, you have to. It's updated on the serverside, but you have to reload it in your browser to see the actual changes. (Otherwise we would need to server to force the browser refresh itself, which is hard, but not impossible [with AJAX]).