0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 4, 2005 3:27 PM by christian.bauer

    Wiki features


      A good Wiki (and there is no Java Wiki with these features AFAIK) needs:

      - hierarchical structure, usually one level of Areas, with an arbitrary nested Directory structure

      - permission system, fine grained, at least Unix-like rwx/ugw for all nodes, including directories

      - smart auto link system that supports renaming of documents and directories

      - flexible URL schema, e.g. /WikiWord/Links for publishing (marketing) of URLs, and stable identifier URLs (/123.html) for permlinks

      - and some more details, like a good default template, XHTML storage, etc.

      Have a look at http://www.cowiki.org/ - it's one of the reasons people like the Hibernate.org website.