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2. Re: Blog
k_bharat Mar 13, 2008 10:42 PM (in response to selvi)I was trying to deploy the blog portlet sar on jboss 4.2.x + portal 2.6.4 and i get myfaces exceptions, i tried copoying the missing jar, but it throws other errors, before i can copy or debug more, i wanted to find out if it blog preview is compatable with the version. Should i download the source and build and deploy from the link you mentioned?
thanks -
3. Re: Blog
rammyramkumar Apr 2, 2008 10:26 AM (in response to selvi)hi
can the link given above shall be used to chek out the source code using the svn in Eclipse. will that be possible.
Actually i want to deploy the blog portlet. iam unable to check out the source code as a whole.
any suggestions on how to do this?