2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 3, 2008 9:14 AM by tom.baeyens

    identity requirements


      as input for the new jboss identity component, i'll be collecting in this thread all the requirements that jBPM has for the identity component.

      at this stage it is still unclear what the jboss identity component is going to look like. so it's going to be hard to say when they will release something, if we'll switch and when that will be.

      but for now, the thing we can do is just make sure that they know about our requirements.

        • 1. Re: identity requirements

          Here goed the ones from the top of my head:

          * easy distribution with the jPDL Suite. The jPDL suite is going to be a .zip file that contains a full installation of jPDL, including designer, web console, runtime and documentation. Also the identity component will be a part of it.

          * XML loading of identity data with an ant script. This is necessary to build the jPDL Suite Database with prepopulated data.

          * Use case 1) task assignment. When a task needs to be assigned to a user, we want to identify a specific user with an expression language.

          * Use case 2) email address resolution. For the email integration, we need a user's email address

          * Generic model: in the evaluation of jBPM and in the demo's, we don't want the identity component to be a limiting factor. So the model should be generic enough so that most workflow requirements can be easily addressed with it. I don't yet have a lot of concrete examples out of my head. Help with that is appreciated.

          * If the identity component has an implementation that fits with our architecture, that is a plus.

          * A web console to manage the data in the identity store

          * Flexible authorization. It should be flexible to use JAAS or direct API invocation to do authorization. Also the type of authorization should be flexible as there is no consensus around a clear, unified set of authorization requirements.

          How do you use the current jBPM identity component ? Which features are most important to you ?

          • 2. Re: identity requirements

            Here you can see the UML Class Diagram of our current Identity module. Also the expression language is documented there:
