disable XA
mazz Nov 22, 2008 4:06 PMWithin my JBossAS 4.2.1 app, I'm getting the infamous:
[com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.resources.arjunacore.norecoveryxa] [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.resources.arjunacore.norecoveryxa] Could not find new XAResource to use for recovering non-serializable XAResource
I'm not sure what two data sources are being enlisted in this transaction to make it want to be XA-recovered. The only two data sources I have deployed are a quartz <no-tx-datasource> data source and my main app's <local-tx-datasource> data source. I assume something is going on within a Quartz job causing this but no where in my Quartz config do I mention the use of XA or a XA datasource. I also have JMS beans that sometimes hiccup, and I believe the JMS subsystem out of box IS configured to somehow use XA - I don't know if that is somehow involved. The only place where I see XA mentioned is in the JMS configuration.
In any event, I don't want anything in my app to go through XA or be in a 2PC transaction. Nothing can be recoverable - in fact, if I shutdown my server, delete the entire data/tx-object-store directory within my JBossAS and restart, everything works fine (database is not in a bad state - I may not have data committed that tried to be commited before, but my app can work fine - the business layer can survive this). Therefore, I don't want the Tx manager to even attempt to recover, since (a) it can never recover and (b) I'm fine regardless of the tx error.
I scoured the 'net but can't find any good docs that explicitly talk about how you can configure JBossAS and its tx manager to NOT attempt to perform this XA recovery. Or, how I can remove the XA component out of the JMS configuration.
Does anyone know how to do any of this? Or know of some docs that relate to this? I looked through http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-12463 but didn't see anything obvious... but then, I barely know how to spell XA, so I might have missed something.