2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2007 4:03 PM by earniedyke

    Incompletely deployed packages when trying to run Business R


      Greetings all,

      I just downloaded 4.2GA server version and was trying to execute the Business Rules QuickStart but I am getting this error in my log. Any idea what I am doing incorrectly?

      The log is about 4 megs so I would prefer not to include that.


      --- Incompletely deployed packages ---
      org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo@6056e373 { url=file:/C:/JBoss/jbossesb-server-4.2GA/server/default/deploy/Quickstart_business_rules_service.esb }
       deployer: org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.config.JBoss4ESBDeployer@16a5bcb
       status: Deployment FAILED reason: Trying to install an already registered mbean: jboss.esb.quickstart.destination:service=Queue,name=quickstart_Business_Rules_Request_GW
       state: FAILED
       watch: file:/C:/JBoss/jbossesb-server-4.2GA/server/default/deploy/Quickstart_business_rules_service.esb
       altDD: null
       lastDeployed: 1189625835125
       lastModified: 1189625835015

        • 1. Re: Incompletely deployed packages when trying to run Busine

          I just double checked this on a clean install from the jbossesb-server 4.2 GA download and it worked well. (ant deploy, ant runtest in the business_rules_service quickstart).

          Is it possible that you had already issued an "ant deploy-jms-dests" before you did "ant deploy". If so then please perform an "ant undeploy-jms-dests" and then retry "ant deploy". There are 2 modes of runtime operation standalone/bootstrapper and .esb archive and it sounds like you may have mixed the two slighly. The readme.txt has the details.

          • 2. Re: Incompletely deployed packages when trying to run Busine

            That was it. I did "ant deploy-jms-dests" before "ant deploy". "ant undeploy-jms-dests" did the trick. Things are working just fine now.

            Thanks for the quick response!!!
