2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 7, 2007 9:49 PM by burrsutter

    JBOSS ESB Dependencies


      When creating a new aplication,what are the dependencies involved?

      I want to create a new JBOSS ESB application, my custom application.
      When i looked thru the examples given, i understood the flow of how things work.Apart from that,in creating a new application what all are the dependencies involved?

      Say that i am creating a application for jms queue,
      what will be the dependencies??

        • 1. Re: JBOSS ESB Dependencies

          This may be a good starting point, it's a fragment of the base-build.xml

          <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}" includes="jbossts-common.jar"/>
           <fileset dir="${build.lib.dir}" includes="jbossesb*.jar"/>
           <!-- scout -->
           <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}" includes="scout-1.0rc1.jar"/>
           <!-- xbean for reading/marchalling xml for configuration, and scout -->
           <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}" includes="xbean.jar,stax-api-1.0.1.jar,xmlpublic.jar"/>
           <!-- jUDDI Registry -->
           <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}" includes="juddi-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar,juddi-client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"/>
           <!-- smooks for transformation -->
           <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}"
           <!-- ftp -->
           <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}" includes="edtftpj-*.jar,commons-io*.jar"/>
           <!-- XStream jars - including woodstox for the StaxDriver -->
           <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}" includes="xstream-*.jar,wstx-lgpl-*.jar"/>
           <!-- JBossCache jars - including jgroups -->
           <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}" includes="cache.jar,jgroups-all.jar"/>
           <!-- MVEL -->
           <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}" includes="mvel*.jar"/>
           <!-- Quartz -->
           <fileset dir="${lib.ext.dir}" includes="quartz*.jar"/>


          • 2. Re: JBOSS ESB Dependencies

            For a JMS listener, copy the helloworld quickstart, modify the build.xml to rename the project, change the names of the jms queues in the jboss-esb.xml and the jbm-queue-service.xml (if using messaging) or jbmq-queue-service.xml (if using jbossmq) and the deployment.xml.

            One of the goals of the quickstarts is to also make them "templates" for your custom projects.

            However, we do recognize that we need to more clearly nail down the classpath/jar dependencies.
