2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 13, 2007 2:17 PM by dscottfl

    JAXBIntroductions Demo

      I have pulled down the code and attempted to run the ant script at the command line. I would like to create a project inside of eclipse with the build.xml. Eclipse has a hard time importing the project. Do you have a version of the build.xml that will work via an import of the ant script? By the way, when I have problems with the build at the command line, I use the creation of the eclipse project to trouble shoot setting the proper parameters inside the build.xml and its sister files.

      Specifically, what should the following values be inside the build-release.xml?

      <echo message="jboss.local.repository = '${jboss.local.repository}'"/>
      <echo message="repository.id = '${repository.id}'"/>

        • 1. Re: JAXBIntroductions Demo

          All the build scripts changed after JAXB Intros went over to the JBossWS project (to be in line with their other projects). My understanding is that those values come from the ant.properties in the same folder. You may need to tweak the values in this file.

          Is the build running from the command line on a fresh checkout i.e. before you make any mods, apart from ant.properties mods? Please verify that the basic build works first!

          • 2. Re: JAXBIntroductions Demo

            I will verify that the base ant script works. It seems that I am having firewall problems because the gets in the ant scripts are not pulling remote jar files either.

            Thanks for the assist...

            more to come,