1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 28, 2008 9:57 AM by viniciuscarvalho

    Problem with Queues



      I got problem when i am running my services. I have a schedule-provider wich delivers a msg to my listener but when my action then fails the msg never leaves the queue. Wich will result in the same error next time i run the service, cause the erroneous msg is still in the queue. Is there some way other than going to the JMX Console in the Server View.

      I would like to include it in the ant build, so that it allways clean the queue's when i deploy my services. As of now i have the follwing section in my ant build.xml.

      <target name="clean" description="Cleans the build directories and .esb file">
       <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
       <delete dir="${classes}" />
       <delete dir="${external_classes}" />
       <fileset dir="${product.dir}\server\default\deploy" includes="${ant.project.name}.esb" />

      Here i would like to add a method call wich will empty the queues, but i have no idea how i call a function from the build.xml? Can anyone of you help me?

        • 1. Re: Problem with Queues

          Don't know if jboss has an ant target for that, but you can use twiddle for that. If you check the jboss docs you can find how to invoke a given mbean operation, for instace:
          ./twiddle.sh invoke jboss.mq.destination:name=A,service=Queue removeAllMessages