1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 21, 2008 11:00 AM by kconner

    JbossESB 4.2.1 CP1 - is download available?


      I see in JIRA that CP1 is completed for some day. But I cannot find it in download section.
      Question: is CP1 going to be published for download, or I must try to build it ourself?

        • 1. Re: JbossESB 4.2.1 CP1 - is download available?

          The CP1 release has been made but this development was for the SOA platform. As such that branch is only released through the platform. If you want to use this branch then you must either build it yourself or purchase the SOA Platform.

          We will be merging the branch back into trunk very soon so the changes will be included in the next project release.