2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 28, 2009 10:05 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    <h:inputText - can't select all the text using ctrl-a or mou



      I was having trouble trying to select all the text in a h:inputtext. I then read there was a problem, but is now fixed in Richfaces 3.3.0. I got Richfaces 3.3.0 GA and am using that now. The problem is still there. Any ideas please?
      It is being used as follows:
      <ui:define name="SettingsBody">
      <rich:panel style="width:95%; height : 100%;" align="left">
      <f:facet name="header">
      <h:outputText value="Settings" />
      <a4j:outputPanel id="settingsPannel" ajaxRendered="true" disabled="#{surveyAction.isDisableSettingsPanel()}">

      Order Number :

      <h:inputText id="orderNum" value="#{surveyAction.selectedQuestionVo.questionItemEntity.orderNumber}" size="2" disabled="#{surveyAction.isDisableSettingsPanel()}"/>


      Please advise.
      Thanking you in advance.

        • 1. Re: <h:inputText - can't select all the text using ctrl-a or


          "Tazz786" wrote:

          I was having trouble trying to select all the text in a h:inputtext. I then read there was a problem, but is now fixed in Richfaces 3.3.0. I got Richfaces 3.3.0 GA and am using that now. The problem is still there. Any ideas please?
          It is being used as follows:
          <ui:define name="SettingsBody">
           <rich:panel style="width:95%; height : 100%;" align="left">
           <f:facet name="header">
           <h:outputText value="Settings" />
           <a4j:outputPanel id="settingsPannel" ajaxRendered="true" disabled="#{surveyAction.isDisableSettingsPanel()}">
           <table align="left">
           <td align="left">
           <b>Order Number :</b>
           <td><h:inputText id="orderNum" value="#{surveyAction.selectedQuestionVo.questionItemEntity.orderNumber}"
          size="2" disabled="#{surveyAction.isDisableSettingsPanel()}"/></td>


          Please advise.
          Thanking you in advance.

          • 2. Re: <h:inputText - can't select all the text using ctrl-a or

            1) add tbody element to your table.
            2) provide please the link to the thread where you read about this problem :)
            3) describe more carefully the steps to reproduce.