1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 3, 2008 10:06 AM by kconner

    Is there a limit (1?) to the number of ftp-message-filters i


      I'm trying to create multiple ftp-message-filters (for ftp, ftps, sftp) and am seeing that only one is ever recognized. For example - in the jboss-esb.xml fragment below (adapted from the helloworld_ftp_action quickstart) - I cannot get the ftps filter to ever be invoked.

      <ftp-provider name="FTPprovider" hostname="localhost">
       <ftp-bus busid="helloFTPChannel">
       <ftp-message-filter protocol="ftp"
       username="jboss" password="password" passive="false"
       directory="/home/jboss/remote/dir" input-suffix=".dat"
       work-suffix=".esbWorking" post-delete="false"
       post-suffix=".COMPLETE" error-delete="false"
       error-suffix=".HAS_ERROR" />
       <ftp-bus busid="helloFTPSChannel">
       <ftp-message-filter protocol="ftps"
       username="jboss" password="password" passive="false"
       directory="@FTPS_DIRECTORY@" input-suffix=".dat"
       work-suffix=".esbWorking" post-delete="false"
       post-suffix=".COMPLETE" error-delete="false"
       error-suffix=".HAS_ERROR" />