2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 10, 2008 5:05 AM by kconner

    What is Hibernate transport?


      Hi folks,

      Can't find in docs, please help to understand for what proposes Hibernate transport stands for?

      I'm about

      Hibernate: , ,: The
      can be added to either the
      or JBESB-PG-8/5/08 69
      selements. Where the specifies
      File System access properties like the location of the hibernate configuration
      property, the
      specifies what classnames and events
      should be intercepted.

        • 1. Re: What is Hibernate transport?


          the hibernate gateway is used in a similar fashion to the sql gateway but differs in that it does not use plain sql, and in that instead of polling a table with a specified interval the hibernate gateway does not need to poll. It uses interceptors that will be notified upon events (onSave, onDelete, onLoad, onFlushDirty, onCollectionUpate, onCollectionRemove).
          When an event is triggered it will package the entity into an ESB Message object and invoke the action pipeline. This packaging is the default behavior but can be overridden if needed.
          TomC, anything that I've left out?

          For an example of the hibernate gateway checkout the helloworld_hibernate_action quickstart.



          • 2. Re: What is Hibernate transport?

            The one thing you left out is to use it with care :)
