2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 27, 2008 4:39 AM by kconner

    Invalid EPR for service


      I have jbr provider/listener setup as a gateway. When I send a request to the end point I see the following in the logs. Now my action does receive the request, it processes it and the client has the response. But once in a while we see this in the logs. We dont see any adverse effect.

      11:27:52,786 INFO [ServiceInvoker] Badly formed EPR [EPR: PortReference < <wsa:Address> >] for Service [CMTE:Search Content] and Message [header: [ ]].Courier for EPR not supported: ESB-unaware EPR used!
      11:27:52,787 INFO [ServiceInvoker] Invalid EPR for service (probably ESB-unaware): ignoring for message: header: [ ]

      We also confirmed that the Category/Service Name is unique and not used any place else.

      <jbr-listener name="CmteSearch Content Gateway"
      busidref="cmte_search_content_http_end_point" is-gateway="true"
      maxThreads="10" />
      <jms-listener name="CMTE"
      busidref="cmte_search_content_esb_channel" maxThreads="10" />

      Any ideas on why this happens and how can we get rid of this ?

      Thanks in advance,


        • 1. Re: Invalid EPR for service

          Here is the entry from jboss-esb.xml.

          <service category="CMTE" name="Search Content" description="Search Content">
           <jbr-listener name="CmteSearch Content Gateway"
           busidref="cmte_search_content_http_end_point" is-gateway="true"
           maxThreads="10" />
           <jms-listener name="CMTE" busidref="cmte_search_content_esb_channel" maxThreads="10" />
           <action name="SearchContent"
           process="process" />

          • 2. Re: Invalid EPR for service

            You are running with -b and this is being picked up by the service when it registers.

            We have addressed this in the current codebase but the simple workaround would be to edit jbossesb-properties.xml and replace the definition of org.jboss.soa.esb.jndi.server.url.

            Currently that property will be defined using jboss.bind.address, which takes the given address as is. You can either specify this address by hand or replace it with one of the normalised variables, such as java.rmi.server.hostname.