1 2 3 Previous Next 31 Replies Latest reply on Feb 1, 2009 10:35 AM by tommy111

    send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

      hi dear
      can anybody say , how can i send message to jbossAS and rea message from queue and send to jbossESB

      thanks for all

        • 1. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB


          most of the quickstart demonstrate sending a JMS Message to a queue that will be picked up by a JMS Gateway. For example : http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/labs/labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/samples/quickstarts/helloworld/



          • 2. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

            hi Daniel


            i see helloworld sample, but ican't configurefor my problem
            because i want 2 listener in jbossAS and JbossESB server
            then from client send jms message to jboss and pass get with jbossESB server , but i am not

            now can you help me for problem


            • 3. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

              tahnks Daniel
              for help

              best regard

              • 4. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

                hi Daniel


                i see helloworld sample, but ican't configurefor my problem
                because i want 2 listener in jbossAS and JbossESB server
                then from client send jms message to jboss and pass get with jbossESB server , but i am not

                now can you help me for problem
                pls step by step


                • 5. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

                  Well, you could create a message driven bean(mdb) that you deploy to JBossAS. Your client would post to this queue. This mdb could either use the ServiceInvoker to directly invoke a service in the ESB or you could simply post a message to a queue that a JMS Gateway listens to.

                  If you want to use the ServiceInvoker take a look at the ProgrammersGuide, Chapter 6 contains an example of using the ServiceInvoker.



                  • 6. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

                    hi daniel

                    i am beginner talent and
                    i want :
                    1- send message from client to JbossESB Server
                    2-in JbossESB Server get message
                    3- from jbossESB server send message to JbossAS
                    4- when JbossAS get message then response to request client from jbossESB server to client

                    can i do scenario

                    • 7. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

                      hi tommy111,

                      Look at the webservice_producer example:


                      You can send a message to the server using the ANT build test script which invoke a "client" program that sends a message to the server.


                      The SendMessage source code can help u to add the reference coding into ur existing client code. Note: jbossall-client.jar is need to compile and run if ur existing java client is standalone. This jar can be found in ur AS\client\ directory.

                      Try running this example.
                      Hope it helps.

                      • 8. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

                        hi daniel

                        i run example on jbossESB Server but founded error :

                        13:54:36,109 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/Quickstart_webservice_producer, warUrl=.../tmp/
                        13:54:41,890 INFO [WSDLFilePublisher] WSDL published to: file:/I:/jbossesb-server-4.4.GA/server/def
                        13:54:55,156 INFO [STDOUT] [Quickstart_webservice_producer] BEFORE invoking jbossws endpoint:
                        13:54:55,156 INFO [STDOUT] [<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelo
                        pe/" xmlns:good="http://webservice_producer/goodbyeworld">
                        13:54:55,312 ERROR [SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS] SOAP request exception
                        java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMes
                        at javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage.setProperty(SOAPMessage.java:441)
                        at org.jboss.ws.core.soap.SOAPMessageImpl.(SOAPMessageImpl.java:67)
                        at org.jboss.ws.core.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(MessageFactoryImpl.java:207)
                        at org.jboss.ws.core.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(MessageFactoryImpl.java:185)
                        at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.processRequest(RequestHandlerImpl.java:389)
                        at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.handleRequest(RequestHandlerImpl.java:272)
                        at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.doPost(RequestHandlerImpl.java:189)
                        at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.handleHttpRequest(RequestHandlerImpl.java:122
                        at org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.SOAPProcessor.process(SOAPProcessor.java:185)


                        • 9. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

                          hi chuaky

                          can you say to me clearly for my problem
                          because i confused , and i don't know...
                          pls help

                          i run example on jbossESB Server but founded error :

                          13:54:36,109 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/Quickstart_webservice_producer, warUrl=.../tmp/
                          13:54:41,890 INFO [WSDLFilePublisher] WSDL published to: file:/I:/jbossesb-server-4.4.GA/server/def
                          13:54:55,156 INFO [STDOUT] [Quickstart_webservice_producer] BEFORE invoking jbossws endpoint:
                          13:54:55,156 INFO [STDOUT] [<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelo
                          pe/" xmlns:good="http://webservice_producer/goodbyeworld">
                          13:54:55,312 ERROR [SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS] SOAP request exception
                          java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMes
                          at javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage.setProperty(SOAPMessage.java:441)
                          at org.jboss.ws.core.soap.SOAPMessageImpl.(SOAPMessageImpl.java:67)
                          at org.jboss.ws.core.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(MessageFactoryImpl.java:207)
                          at org.jboss.ws.core.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(MessageFactoryImpl.java:185)
                          at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.processRequest(RequestHandlerImpl.java:389)
                          at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.handleRequest(RequestHandlerImpl.java:272)
                          at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.doPost(RequestHandlerImpl.java:189)
                          at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.handleHttpRequest(RequestHandlerImpl.java:122
                          at org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.SOAPProcessor.process(SOAPProcessor.java:185)


                          • 10. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

                            Hi Tommy111,

                            do you have any other applications deployed to that jbossesb-server-4.4? Can you try with a clean install as I cannot reproduce this.



                            • 11. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

                              hi Daniel

                              i can run anddeploy any example of jbossESB but many sample not run

                              for example webservice_prod

                              Daniel i am confuse that how create listener or config in my JbossESB server that get my message and route to jbossAS

                              can you help me step by step or guide me with many script

                              thanks very much

                              • 12. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB


                                i can run and deploy any example of jbossESB but many sample not run for example webservice_prod

                                Did you try this using a clean installation as I asked?

                                • 13. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB


                                  yes i can.

                                  • 14. Re: send message form jbossAS to jbossESB

                                    Are you running on Sun JDK 6 as this error may be due to a library conflict..
                                    Try the following ...http://www.redhat.com/docs/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/4.3.0.cp03/html-single/JDK6_Compatibility_Notes/index.html#JDK6_Compatibility_Notes-Running_JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform_4.3_with_JavaSE_6

                                    "tommy111" wrote:
                                    hi daniel

                                    i run example on jbossESB Server but founded error :

                                    13:54:36,109 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/Quickstart_webservice_producer, warUrl=.../tmp/
                                    13:54:41,890 INFO [WSDLFilePublisher] WSDL published to: file:/I:/jbossesb-server-4.4.GA/server/def
                                    13:54:55,156 INFO [STDOUT] [Quickstart_webservice_producer] BEFORE invoking jbossws endpoint:
                                    13:54:55,156 INFO [STDOUT] [<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelo
                                    pe/" xmlns:good="http://webservice_producer/goodbyeworld">
                                    13:54:55,312 ERROR [SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS] SOAP request exception
                                    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: setProperty must be overridden by all subclasses of SOAPMes
                                    at javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage.setProperty(SOAPMessage.java:441)
                                    at org.jboss.ws.core.soap.SOAPMessageImpl.<init>(SOAPMessageImpl.java:67)
                                    at org.jboss.ws.core.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(MessageFactoryImpl.java:207)
                                    at org.jboss.ws.core.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(MessageFactoryImpl.java:185)
                                    at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.processRequest(RequestHandlerImpl.java:389)
                                    at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.handleRequest(RequestHandlerImpl.java:272)
                                    at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.doPost(RequestHandlerImpl.java:189)
                                    at org.jboss.wsf.stack.jbws.RequestHandlerImpl.handleHttpRequest(RequestHandlerImpl.java:122
                                    at org.jboss.soa.esb.actions.soap.SOAPProcessor.process(SOAPProcessor.java:185)


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