1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 29, 2009 10:05 PM by sebdoncker

    error in a4j script AjaxScript when modifying innerHTML


      I try to change an element innerHTML attribute with an escaped character.

      In Firefox 3 or Safari this work very fine but not in Firefox 2.

      Here is my simple javascript code :

      var html ='<span>à</span>';
      content.innerHTML = html;

      In Firefox 2, when I run this code (with a onclick call), I have this error :

      An invalid or illegal string was specified" code: "12
      getElementsByTagName()("INPUT", span#ajax-view-state)3_3_0.GA...ript.seam (line 101)
      before replacing elemements");if()(Object _query=Object _documentElement=html options=Object)3_3_0.GA...ript.seam (line 166)
      XMLHttpRequest()()3_3_0.GA...ript.seam (line 87)

      the error is at line 101 in the a4j script: /a4j/g/3_3_0.GAorg.ajax4jsf.javascript.AjaxScript.seam

      I don't find a way to work around this error...
      If any of you has an idea, this will be great !! :-)

      My environment :

      Mac OSX 10.5.6,
      JBoss 4.2.2.GA,
      Seam 2.0.3.CR1,
      RichFaces 3.0.0.GA,

      Thanks in advance for all your ideas...