3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 2, 2009 12:03 PM by gdegoeij

    how to set WS-Security attributes for SOAPClient Jboss-esb.x

      I am trying to consume an external webservice in my jboss-esb.xml using the SOAPClient (not wise)

      the external webservice has some security requirements. I have the keystore.jks and truststore.jks files. How can I set the SOAPClient to populate the WS-Security tag in the SOAP:Header ?

      What attributes/properties do I need to set in the jboss-esb.xml?

      I just have the wsdl and the SOAPAction properties setup now and with just these I get the following error message when the external webserivce is invoked

      org.jboss.ws.core.CommonSOAPFaultException: This service requires <wsse:Security>, which is missing.