2 Replies Latest reply on Apr 1, 2009 2:31 PM by elwis



      I'm not yet that comfortable with either JBossESB or eclipse. I would find it very helpful if I could be able to step through my flows in a debugger but I cant find any good howto set that up?

      I tried the way he does it in the old helloworld.swf, that is start the server in debugmode from eclipse and put a breakpoint where you find it suitable. It works in his movie but when I put a message in the flow no breakpoint is hit.

        • 1. Re: debugging

          Are you using the ESB server? If so, all you really need to do is to edit bin/run.conf and uncomment the line :

          #JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n"

          If you want the server to stop before you attach with the debugger, change suspend=n to suspend=y.

          Then, inside Eclipse, set your breakpoint and choose "Run"->"Debug Configurations" or "Debug.." (depending on your version of Eclipse. Choose "Remote Java Application" and use 8787 as the port.

          Here's an article that spells things out :


          • 2. Re: debugging

            Thank you, that surely did the trick