1. Re: a4j:support inside h:inputText
sergeysmirnov Jan 30, 2009 5:31 PM (in response to aish)Are you sure? Maybe the error message says you need to have a form around?
2. Re: a4j:support inside h:inputText
aish Jan 30, 2009 5:43 PM (in response to aish)Hi Sergey,
Thanks for your quick response.
I do have a form. But the error message does not state about the form. It syas a4j:support cannot be inside h:inputText. This sample is taken from the Richfaces document.
Please let me know if I am missing anything
Aish -
3. Re: a4j:support inside h:inputText
sergeysmirnov Jan 30, 2009 5:53 PM (in response to aish)Aish, the problem with somewhere outside of the scene. This code snippet itself has no problem.
Post the whole page for the beginning. -
4. Re: a4j:support inside h:inputText
ilya_shaikovsky Feb 2, 2009 5:06 AM (in response to aish)Yes, you could see the same code working at live samples.. Additionally to the whole page describe please your environment more carefully.
5. Re: a4j:support inside h:inputText
aish Feb 4, 2009 3:58 PM (in response to aish)Hi Ilya,
The environment is welogic 9.2, Richfaces 3.1.6 and IBM RAD version 7 as IDE. Apart from that the code is the copy from the exadel website.
Aish -
6. Re: a4j:support inside h:inputText
tsurdilovic Feb 8, 2009 9:54 AM (in response to aish)IIRC RAD 7 does not support RichFaces.
7. Re: a4j:support inside h:inputText
aish Feb 9, 2009 2:51 PM (in response to aish)I don't think so. I have been using IBM RAD 7 for my web project using RichFaces and it works fine.
I could not understand why the error occurs for a4j:support inside h:inputText.
Aish -
8. Re: a4j:support inside h:inputText
nbelaevski Feb 9, 2009 3:10 PM (in response to aish)"SergeySmirnov" wrote:
Please post it.
Aish, the problem with somewhere outside of the scene. This code snippet itself has no problem.
Post the whole page for the beginning. -
9. Re: a4j:support inside h:inputText
aish Feb 10, 2009 9:50 AM (in response to aish)Hi,
Thanks for responding. Atlast, it worked fine for me. For some reason, this code didn't work earlier and now it worked. The only difference I could see is that I changed the .jsp page. No other change and the code worked fine.
Here is the code:
<rich:panel header="Simple Echo">
<h:inputText size="50" value="#{profile.text}" >
<a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="rep"/>
<h:outputText value="#{profile.text}" id="rep"/>