1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 12, 2009 4:40 AM by kconner

    EJBProcessor & exceptions



      I have an esb server on machine 1 and a jboss application server on machine 2.

      From my esb server, I'm using the EJBProcessor to call a bean on the jboss AS machine and everything is almost working.

      If there is an DatabaseException in the called bean, I can see an error on the jboss AS console on machine 2, but it seems that the exception is not returned back to my action pipeline... I can see the following on my esb server:

      [MessagePayloadProxy] Null data found in message location(s): [org.jboss.soa.esb.message.defaultEntry]
      [STDOUT] ConsoleNotifier 2009/08/11 01:48:45.057

      I've set the FaultTo of the message sent to the bean to the DeadLetterQueue and it is a OneWay mep.

      How can I get the DatabaseException that is thrown on the jboss AS back
      to my DLQ ?

      thanks for your help,


        • 1. Re: EJBProcessor & exceptions

          From what I can see in that class it should be wrapping any exceptions in an ApplicationProcessingException and throwing that to the pipeline.

          The error message you are seeing is from the payload proxy, logged if the contents of the default location in the body are null. This suggests that something may be trapping the exception on the server side and returning null in response to the invocation, although this is a guess.

          If you have DEBUG logging enabled on your first server then you should see the pipeline processing unfold. This will show you whether the processing is receiving an exception or a normal response from the EJB invocation.
