0 Replies Latest reply on Feb 8, 2007 7:12 PM by unibrew

    JBoss Forums 1.0.0 Beta released


      Dear Users,

      I would like to inform you that JBoss Forums 1.0.0 Beta has been released and is available : http://labs.jboss.com/portal/jbossforums/downloads
      Thanks too all of you who helped me with testing last release. You had a really big input in debugging of Alpha version and big thanks for that. The most important improvements in Forums are:
      - big improvement in performance
      - finished implementation of attachments and polls
      - topicwatch and notification engine
      - migration to newest JBoss Portal 2.6 Alpha 1 and 2

      Full changelog of resolved tasks:


      * [ JBFORUMS-17 ] poral 2.0 Users Guide Forums Portlet should be updated for new functionality
      * [ JBFORUMS-48 ] Topic Watch related usecases
      * [ JBFORUMS-106 ] Load it on a server for Beta Testing
      * [ JBFORUMS-136 ] Migrate Forums to Portal 2.6
      * [ JBFORUMS-149 ] Make links shorter
      * [ JBFORUMS-155 ] Redesign e-mail notification
      * [ JBFORUMS-162 ] Make Forums compatible with JBoss Portal 2.6Alpha1
      * [ JBFORUMS-166 ] Release issues


      * [ JBFORUMS-77 ] Activate Topic Watch
      * [ JBFORUMS-78 ] Stop Topic Watch
      * [ JBFORUMS-108 ] Migrate all of the JBoss.com Forums data to this new Forums
      * [ JBFORUMS-147 ] Finish attachments implementation
      * [ JBFORUMS-148 ] Finish polls implementation

      Feature Request

      * [ JBFORUMS-152 ] Moving threads


      * [ JBFORUMS-115 ] NPE in ViewTopic
      * [ JBFORUMS-119 ] Links to last post on all views are not working correctly
      * [ JBFORUMS-126 ] NewTopic on ForumsView doesn't work on IE
      * [ JBFORUMS-134 ] ForumsModule is overusing toList/toSet methods
      * [ JBFORUMS-135 ] Iteration over hibernate objects in Forums model classes
      * [ JBFORUMS-137 ] Cannot post new topic under IE
      * [ JBFORUMS-138 ] Delete forum and delete category throw ModuleException to the log
      * [ JBFORUMS-139 ] JBoss Forums are not compatible with JBossAS 4.0.5GA
      * [ JBFORUMS-141 ] Paging is not efficient
      * [ JBFORUMS-142 ] JavaScript message check doesn't work for Instant reply box
      * [ JBFORUMS-143 ] jboss-security.xml is not properly parsed when using JDK 1.4.2
      * [ JBFORUMS-144 ] Tomahawk issue when deploying on JBossAS 4.0.5
      * [ JBFORUMS-145 ] NPE while deleting forum
      * [ JBFORUMS-146 ] String index out of range: -1
      * [ JBFORUMS-150 ] After replying always topic's first page is rendered
      * [ JBFORUMS-153 ] Latest post for forum does not change after moving topic to different forum.
      * [ JBFORUMS-154 ] QuerySyntaxException is thrown when database contains no posts.
      * [ JBFORUMS-156 ] TopicCount and PostCount are not updated after moving thread
      * [ JBFORUMS-157 ] Exception while deleting last category
      * [ JBFORUMS-158 ] Class Cast Exception when using JBoss Forums with Portal 2.6Alpha1
      * [ JBFORUMS-159 ] Forums doesn't work with Portal 2.6-Alpha1 - org.jboss.portal.identity.User has changed.
      * [ JBFORUMS-160 ] xhtml needs to be updated to conform to stricter rules relating to Dummy Form deprecation

      Ryszard Kozmik
      JBoss Forums Lead
      JBoss Labs Team