4 Replies Latest reply on Aug 24, 2007 4:11 AM by sviluppatorefico

    problem with special character encoding


      I am using jboss forums for jboss portal 2.4.2.
      I am created database with latin2 coding

      CREATE DATABASE `jboss` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin2 COLLATE latin2_general_ci;

      I am configured my jdbc:myslq connection to latin2 coding:


      in both portal-mysql-ds and mysql-ds .xml files

      After jboss forums created tables in my database, a change all tables and records settings to
      latin2 and latin2_general_ci.

      and I can't use special chars when I creating a new topic.
      When I use it when I replay for topic all its ok, but if I put some special chars in i creating new topic I see ?????????????????????????????? etc.

      What shoud I do?