2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 7, 2006 6:25 AM by ameya_bhakay

    Rule Execution Flow with a Production Rule System


      Some times workflow is nothing but a decision tree, a series of questions with yes/no answers to determine a final answer. This can be modelled far better with a Production Rule System, and is already on the Drools road map.

      For the other situations we can use a specialised implementation of Agenda Groups to model "stages" in rule engine execution. Agenda Groups are currently stacked, like Jess and Clips modules. But imagine instead if you could model linear Agenda Group execution ? this is something I have been thinking about for a while to allow powerful and flexible modelling of processes in a Production Rule System. A successful implementation has clear advantages over two separate engines ? as there is an impedance mismatch between the two. While there is little issue using a rule engine with workflow, using workflow to control linear execution of a rule engine will very suboptimal ? this means we must seek a single optimal solution for performance sensitive applications.

      Let?s start by calling these special Agenda Groups "nodes", to indicate they are part of a linear graph execution process.

      Start rules don't need to be in a node and resulting target nodes will detach and evaluate once this rule has finished:

      rule "start rule"
      target-node "" ""
      // assert some data

      The start rule and the nodes can specify multiple target nodes and additional constraints for those target nodes; which is explained later. The start rule can fire on initialisation, using eval(true), or it could have some other constraints that fire the start rule at any time during the working memory life time. A Rule Base can have any number of start rules, allowing multiple workflows to be defined and executed.

      The start rule dictates the next valid target-nodes - only activated rules in these nodes can fire as a result of the current assertions. While the activated rules in other nodes will not be able to fire, standard rules and Agenda Groups will react, activate and fire as normal to changes in data.

      A node rule looks like a normal rule, except it declares the node it?s in. As mentioned previously a node can contain multiple rules; but only the rules with full matches to the LHS will be legible for firing:

      rule "rule name"
      node ""

      // assert some data

      There is an additional node structure, which the rules are associated with, and specifies the resulting targets:

      node "node name"
      target-node "" ""

      Target nodes are only allowed to evaluate their activated rules once the previous start rule has finished or the previous node is empty because it has fired all its rules. Once a node is ready to be evaluated, we "detach" it and then spin it off into its own thread for rule firing, all resulting working memory actions will be "queued" and assert at safe points, so Rete is still a single process. Once a node is detached the contained rules can no longer be cancelled, they must all fire ? further to this no further rules can be added. All our data structures are serialisable so suspension/persistence is simply a matter of calling a command to persist the detached node off to somewhere.

      As well as a rule specifying the LHS constraints for it to activate, the previous node can specify additional constraints. A rule can be in multiple nodes, so if two incoming nodes specify additional constraints they are exclusive to each other - in that the additional constraints of the non current incoming node will have no effect:

      node "node name"
      target-node "" "" when
      <additional constraints>

      Further to this a node can specify multiple targets each with its own optinonal additional constraints. Sample formats are showing below:

      node "node name"
      target-node "" ""

      target-node "" "" when

      target-nodes "" ""
      "" ""
      "" ""

      target-nodes "" ""
      "" ""
      "" "" when

      Further to this we need additional controls to implement "join nodes" and to also allow reasoning to work with both the transition name as well as the node name.

      This highlights the basics for linearly controlled execution of rules within a Production Rule system. It also means we can model any BPM process, as it?s now a simplified subset, but allow it to be done in a highly scalable way that integrates into very demanding tasks. Further to this we can still have standard agenda groups and rules that fire as a result of data changes. This provides for a very powerful solution that is far more powerful than the simple subset that most workflow solutions provide.

        • 1. Re: Rule Execution Flow with a Production Rule System

          Your blog hit a sore point for me after I recently tried to convert a rules implementation from a commercial product to JBoss rules. I now firmly believe that a ruleflow concept is absolutely imperative to any rules product. All major commercial rule vendors provide it and sadly it appears to be missing from the JBoss rules roadmap. The agenda group concept in JBoss rules simply does not suffice for this purpose (especially since agenda group cannot be stipulated in decision tables).

          To convert my project I was forced to invoke multiple rule engines and tie it all together with Java code. As you point out this is extremly inefficient. The project implemented a simple ruleflow.

          | Validate Input |
          | Errors ? |------------+
          +--------------------------+ Yes |
           | No |
          ---------------------------+ |
          | Determine Features | |
          ---------------------------+ |
           | |
          +--------------------------- |
          | Calculate Fees | |
          +--------------------------+ |
           | |
          +--------------------------+ |
          | End! | <----------+

          A ruleflow allows one to execute a group of rules for which the agenda is evaluated (Optional agenda filter can be provided). After this a simple condition may be evaluated and based on this condition another group of rules is executed for which the agenda is completely cleared and reevaluated. This allows the output of one group to feed as input in to the next group. In the above example the Determine features group modifies the object graph significantly without calling
          . However all of these modifications are taken into account by recalculating the agenda for the Calculate fees group. The syntax you describe here would suffice to implement this, however its important to note that the agenda should be reevaluated for each node.

          An alternative to your syntax could be to utilize the existing package structure of JBoss rules and implement a ruleflow type syntax.

           eval package au.com.mypackage.validate;
          errorList( size > 0)
           eval package au.com.mypackage.determine.features;
           eval package au.com.mypackage.calulatefees;

          Anyway, its food for thought.

          • 2. Re: Rule Execution Flow with a Production Rule System

            Well though my question is not related to the above discussion, but since it contains Execution flow, I'd like to comment/ inform about something...

            Well, I noticed that even if I don't have an 'ACTION' for any of my conditions/ rules, the Rules Engine still compiles the decision tables and hold this file as valid! The keyword ACTION requires 'At least one per rule table' then how come this works? Should it ideally not throw an exception/ inform the user that the ACTION part is missing?