2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 31, 2009 5:13 AM by repkin



      I have a serious problem with the rich:columns control. I am using it in an xhtml page and is working fine, but wen I try to use it in a baking bean (java code) througth the HTMLColumns class I just can not make it possible, because this class does not exist. I can only have access to HTMLColumn and HTMLColumnGroup clases. What is happening here?. Please help me out.

        • 1. Re: HTMLColumns


          I am also having the same problem. In which version is it available?I checked 3.2.0 SR1 and 3.2.1 GA but not available.

          • 2. Re: HTMLColumns

            I want to create rich columns which is equivalent to this:

            <rich:columns value="#{subDataTableVar.columnsList}" var="columnVar">
            <h:outputText value="#{columnVar.sumField}

            But the main problem is datatable in the another datable and columns list are different for each sub datatable.

            There is no component for rich:columns, it seems there is only tag. So how can I generate dynamic columns?

            | |-------------------|->subDatatable
            | | |Columns| | |
            | |-------------------| |