1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 1, 2006 10:52 AM by kconner

    XARecoveryModule question

      I have a simple question:

      My understanding is that the PeriodicRecovery asks the recovery modules to do the first and second passes. Subsequently, the above module gets hold of the XAResouce and calls recover. The output of this call is to get the prepared transactions.

      Once you get these prepared/uncommitted transactions, what is the PeriodicRecovery or the module going to do?

      That is, where is the hook to call rollback or commit on the xaresource based on the retrieved uncommited transactions?

      Any help much appreciated.


        • 1. Re: XARecoveryModule question

          If the transaction is known about then it is handled in a top-down fashion. The recovery of the associated transaction will drive the commit/rollback of the XAResource.

          If it is not known then the recovery module will initiate a rollback under presumed-abort semantics.

          What are you trying to achieve?