1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 14, 2006 9:36 AM by kconner

    Questions about the INSTALL readme file

      I have a couple of questions about the INSTALL readme file which comes with JBoss TS 4.2.2. This file gives instructions for installing into JBoss AS 4.0.5.

      First question:
      Is the intent to configure the local JTA for the default config and the distributed JTA for the all config?

      I assume that this is the case, so I have the following additional question.

      The INSTALL readme file contains the following instructions:

       - edit the server/default/conf/jbossjts-properties.xml file and remove the
       recovery extension property containing the value
       - edit the server/all/conf/jbossjts-properties.xml file and remove the
       recovery extension property containing the value

      Are these instructions correct, or are they reversed? I would think that com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.recovery.arjunacore.XARecoveryModule is the recovery module for the local JTA, and therefore it is the recovery module to include, not remove with the default config.

      Please help clarify this for me.
