4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 13, 2007 4:51 AM by marklittle

    lock in ReplyReceiver.getReply


      Hi all

      I have an batch process running on JBoss 4.0.5 with JBoss Transaction 4.2.2 SP3. This process perform during one hour approximately.

      So, I have been notated that after applications threads finish, the process is not finished. By command line kill -3 on process, I get the follow stack:

      at org.jacorb.orb.giop.ReplyPlaceholder.getInputStream(ReplyPlaceholder.java:119)
      - locked <0xad522e98> (a org.jacorb.orb.ReplyReceiver)
      at org.jacorb.orb.ReplyReceiver.getReply(ReplyReceiver.java:277)
      - locked <0xad522e98> (a org.jacorb.orb.ReplyReceiver)
      at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate.invoke_internal(Delegate.java:963)

      What happen with jacorb commit process ???
