Using all configuration settings right "out of the box" using Hypersonic (JBoss 4.0.4.GA), I get two errors upon execution of any of the standalone examples. Other than these two error messages, the examples proceed to produce correct results. Ex07_1 below is typical. I would like to know how the errors are caused, what they mean, and how to eliminate them. Thanks.
$ ant run.client2 Buildfile: build.xml prepare: compile: jar: run.client2: [java] 09:02:36,113 FATAL [Ejb3Configuration] META-INF/MANIFEST.MFO-:-Ofalse [java] 09:02:36,250 FATAL [Ejb3Configuration] META-INF/persistence.xmlO-:-Ofalse [java] Create 1st Customer [java] Address was also persisted with auto-generated key: 1 [java] Return detached Customer instance: 1 [java] Phone number: 617-666-6666 BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 5 seconds [