3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 14, 2009 2:30 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    extendedDataTable sortBy grouppingByColumn

      Hello everyone,

      I have a question about extendedDataTable and grouppingByColumn.

      The user can set grouppingByColumn if he click the context menu of column and chose group by this Column.

      Do I have the possibility to set grouppingByColumn with sorting of new column??

      I mean if the user click on header of column to sort it, then the dataTable is grouped by this column.

      thank you for your answer.


        • 1. Re: extendedDataTable sortBy grouppingByColumn

          I'm afraid that this could be done only by turning off the default menu and implement it on your own. As the table do not provide sortEvent - no way to register custom listener.

          • 2. Re: extendedDataTable sortBy grouppingByColumn

            thank Ilja,

            I tried to do following:
            <rich:column id="Hersteller" binding="#{personenBBean.hersteller}" filterBy="#{car.carmaker}" filterEvent="onkeyup">
            <f:facet name="header">
            <h:outputText value="Hersteller" />
            <a:support event="onRowClick" action="#{personenBBean.groupByHersteller}" reRender="sampleData"/>

            <h:outputText value="#{car.carmaker}" />

            but if I click on header in GUI, the application dont go into personenBBean.groupByHersteller.
            I wanted to set groupByColumn in this method.
            Do you have the idea why???

            Can implement my own sortmethod?
            in documentation stay, that sortExpression is only implemented for ScrollableDataTable.

            • 3. Re: extendedDataTable sortBy grouppingByColumn

              try to change


              with just
