1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 15, 2009 6:20 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Column order problem in rich:extendedDataTable


      Hi, Here is my data table to display the children of an object:


      <rich:extendedDataTable value="#{childrenTable}" var="row" rows="6" id="childrenTable"
      width="100%" height="175px" selection="#{childrenTable.selection}"
      enableContextMenu="false" tableState="#{childrenTable.tableState}"
      binding="#{uiChildrenTable}" style="position:relative;" sortMode="multi">

      <rich:column sortable="false" width="25px">
      <h:graphicImage value="#{row.icon}" />

      <rich:columns value="#{childrenTable.propertyNames}" sortable="true"
      sortBy="#{propName}" var="propName" index="index" id="column#{index}"
      <f:facet name="header">
      <h:outputText value="#{propName}" />
      <h:outputText value="#{row.map[propName]}" />

      Initially it displays correctly with the icon column first.  After I left the page then come back, however, the icon column would be the last coulumn.  The uiChildrenTable has a request scope:





      The problem occurs randomly and I cannot figure out under what  scenario  it occurs.


      Thanks in advance,
