0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 15, 2009 10:46 AM by sergey.olifirenko

    Huge memory consumption in WS Client



      I'm using JBoss 5.1.0 and jboss ws native 3.2.1
      My problem is huge memory consumption when my stateless bean act as WS Client.


      Example of Beans mapping:


      public class SecurityService implements ISecurityService
         @WebServiceRef(wsdlLocation = "META-INF/sws2.wsdl")
         private SecurityWS secWS;



      I see a lot of org.apache.xerces objects after load test run for 30 users:  15Mb.
      For 60 users: near 30 Mb.
      GC doesn't collect them.


      values if proportional to users number (execution thread number).


      For real application with 30/60 users(threads) I have consumption as in attached pics. So I lose up to 100 Mb for each new 30 threads.
      It's too much as for me.


      How to decrease number of xerces objects which unavailable for garbage collection?


      Thank you!