8 Replies Latest reply on Dec 29, 2009 6:51 AM by splram

    Applications deployed using MainDeployer.deploy does not start when the server is restared

      I used the below MainDeployer.deploy to deploy WAR from the folder outside JBoss deploy folder. I have used the below ant script to perform this task.

      <jmx serverURL="localhost">
           <invoke target="jboss.system:service=MainDeployer" operation="deploy">
                <parameter type="java.lang.String" arg="file:${webapp.dist}/${webapp.war}"/>


      I am able to deploy and redeploy the applications, however, when i restart my jboss server all the applications that are deployed using the jmx operation (MainDeployer.deploy) are not getting started automatically.


      I am not sure why this happens, when I copy the WAR to deploy folder the WAR gets started when the server is restarted. Can any one let me know what needs to be done in order to automatically start the applications that are deployed using MainDeployer.deploy jmx operation?

