3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 16, 2009 11:04 AM by mircea.markus

    Configuration problems using Jboss Pojo Cache 3.0.0.GA


      Hi There,


        Im trying to configure the pojo cache in my application below is the code im using to register the pojo cache


      PojoCache cache = PojoCacheFactory.createCache("META-INF/replSync-service.xml",true);


         Im getting following exceptions when running the above initialization



      23:17:26,648 ERROR RootElementBuilder:137 - Configuration warning: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'server'.
      23:17:26,707 ERROR RootElementBuilder:110 - org.jboss.cache.config.ConfigurationException: Incorrect configuration file. Use '-Djbosscache.config.validate=false' to disable validation.
      23:17:28,167  WARN GenericTransactionManagerLookup:114 - Falling back to DummyTransactionManager from JBossCache
      23:17:32,414  WARN NAKACK:346 - max_xmit_size was deprecated in 2.6 and will be ignored
      23:17:32,526  WARN GMS:904 - join_retry_timeout has been deprecated and its value will be ignored
      23:17:32,584  WARN STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER:160 - use_reading_thread has been deprecated and its value will be ignored
      23:17:33,182  WARN UDP:2258 - failed to join / on net4: java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: no Inet4Address associated with interface
      23:17:33,211  WARN UDP:2258 - failed to join / on net33: java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: no Inet4Address associated with interface
      23:17:33,240  WARN UDP:2258 - failed to join / on net49: java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: no Inet4Address associated with interface
      23:17:33,268  WARN UDP:2258 - failed to join / on net50: java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: no Inet4Address associated with interface
      GMS: address is


      please find the attached configuration file im using. here im just using the "replSync-service.xml" file that i got when i have downloaded the distributioin


      your help is appreciated.


      Thank you,


        • 1. Re: Configuration problems using Jboss Pojo Cache 3.0.0.GA
          23:17:26,648 ERROR RootElementBuilder:137 - Configuration warning: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'server'.
          23:17:26,707 ERROR RootElementBuilder:110 - org.jboss.cache.config.ConfigurationException: Incorrect configuration file. Use '-Djbosscache.config.validate=false' to disable validation.

          These are caused by the fact that the configration file you are using are in an older Jbosscache format, and it is not a problem as jbosscache is configured to failback to the 'old' parser that knows how to handle this stuff.

          23:17:32,414  WARN NAKACK:346 - max_xmit_size was deprecated in 2.6 and will be ignored
          23:17:32,526  WARN GMS:904 - join_retry_timeout has been deprecated and its value will be ignored
          23:17:32,584  WARN STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER:160 - use_reading_thread has been deprecated and its value will be ignored

          These can be avoid by removing the associated jgroups attributes(e.g. remove attribute max_xmit from element name NAKACK), as jgroups deprecated these attributes from one release to the other.

          23:17:33,182  WARN UDP:2258 - failed to join / on net4: java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: no Inet4Address associated with interface
          23:17:33,211  WARN UDP:2258 - failed to join / on net33: java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: no Inet4Address associated with interface
          23:17:33,240  WARN UDP:2258 - failed to join / on net49: java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: no Inet4Address associated with interface
          23:17:33,268  WARN UDP:2258 - failed to join / on net50: java.net.SocketException: Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: no Inet4Address associated with interface

          these looks to me like UDP (the trasnport) tries to bind to on several NIC(net4, net33, net49, net50). The bind operation fails. the transport tries to bind to that address because because you have enable_diagnostics turned on.

          • 2. Re: Configuration problems using Jboss Pojo Cache 3.0.0.GA

            Hi Markus,


               I have simplified the configuration to test some basic stuff. and im getting following warning when im trying to use the PojoCache


            21:19:55,099  WARN GenericTransactionManagerLookup:114 - Falling back to DummyTransactionManager from JBossCache


            Could you tell me why the Falling back to DummyTransactionManager is happening please. is there anything im missing in the configuration? please find my cache configuration as below

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
               <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.jmx.CacheJmxWrapper"
                  <attribute name="TransactionManagerLookupClass">org.jboss.cache.transaction.GenericTransactionManagerLookup
                  <attribute name="IsolationLevel">REPEATABLE_READ</attribute>
                  <attribute name="CacheMode">LOCAL</attribute>
                  <attribute name="LockAcquisitionTimeout">15000</attribute>


            Thank you,


            • 3. Re: Configuration problems using Jboss Pojo Cache 3.0.0.GA
              The purpose of the TransactionManagerLookup is to lookup an javax.transaction.TransactionManager within your runtimne and return it to the JBossCache. E.g. if you run in JBossAS then this TransactionManagerLookup implementation (the one you configured, take a look at javadoc) will return the TransactionManager that the AS is using, from JNDI. Read the javadoc for GenericTransactionManagerLookup, should make things more clear. To return to the original question, the warning is caused by the fact that no TransactionManager is found within your runtime, and a default one will be used - which is not so clever, as per the name -> DummyTransactionManager. I'd say you can live with this one if you a) don't have to use it for distributed transactions and b) you don't see any performance degradations for transactions.