4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 17, 2009 8:28 AM by user1234

    Passing reference to current form to javascript




      i would like to disable all inputs in a form during ajax request. Therefore i call a javascript function and i try to pass the current form reference. The problem in javascript is the form reference undefined. Can i pass current form reference like: disableElements(this.form);


      <rich:inputNumberSlider id="slider"
          value="#{node.submittedValue }"
          valueChangeListener="#{handler.valueChanged }"
          label="#{node.name }"
          <a4j:support event="onchange"
              requestDelay="1000" status="commonstatus"
              reRender="part" />


      or is it possible to block only a part of the page with modalpanel?


      thank you very much

        • 1. Re: Passing reference to current form to javascript

          In the javascript you can directly access the "form" object many way, like

          var frm = document.forms[index];

          here by using index you can get the required form if there are multiple form inside same document.


          you can directly get form object of element like this,

          var form = element.form;

          if you pass the object 'this'   check what you are getting the in javascript  by giving alert like alert(object.id)

          • 2. Re: Passing reference to current form to javascript
            1 of 1 people found this helpful
            • 3. Re: Passing reference to current form to javascript

              Hi Deb Dutta,


              thank you for reply.


              In the javascript you can directly access the "form" object many way, like

              var frm = document.forms[index];

              here by using index you can get the required form if there are multiple form inside same document.

              In my case this is a portal page so there are many forms and the index of the form can be different. Also i cannot give id to the forms so i could not use

              document.getElementById('formid'). They are generated elsewhere.


              if you pass the object 'this'   check what you are getting the in javascript  by giving alert like alert(object.id)

              I've tried that. I can see 'undefined' in the alert message.


              maybe other ideas?


              thanks a lot.

              • 4. Re: Passing reference to current form to javascript


                for the element  get the parent  form id where it is included  and can pass it like this



                then in the js method get the form object,


                var formobj = document.getElementById(formid);