1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 18, 2009 11:07 AM by jprince100

    Reset datascroller page after filtering

      Is it possible to reset the dataScroller page after a filtering event?  Right now I am using extendedDataTable with a dataScroller.  If I filter the data table, the datascroller resets itself to the first page but the page number doesn't get reset so I end up with my datascroller saying "Page 10 of 2".  Is there a way to catch the filter event and reset the page number myself?  I know I could write my own custom filter method and do it in there but I would prefer to use the default filtering.
        • 1. Re: Reset datascroller page after filtering
          Ok, I found a solution.  I bound the datascroller to my backing bean.  Then in the get method of the page variable I check the page variable value against the pageCount on the scroller.  If the page value was greater then I set it to the pageCount from the scroller.