1. Re: Repository Structure
jeffdelong May 27, 2009 12:14 AM (in response to jervisliu)Sorry I took so long to reply:
I think there should be another layer under the service. Think of the top layer as the business description of the service, and the underlying layer as the technical implementation of the service.
I don't see why we would need a configuration section? I would think configuration information would be associated with the technical details of the service. I don't see how configuration is re-usable across different services. Perhaps you have an example?
WSDL. Well a contract can be more than a WSDL. Indeed much of the contract information can be in the XSD. We should be able to upload WSDLs and associate them with services. For the rest of the world SOA is very Web service centric. If you look at other repository products, Web services are handled as first class citizens.
We also need to handle BPEL files. We should be able to upload a BPEL file and associate it with a service.