2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 6, 2010 10:55 PM by jbmuser

    CR2 - missing some client classes from hornetq-core-client.jar?


      With Hornetq 2.0.0 CR2, when I compile my maven project with minimal client dependancies, I am getting following error. The same configuration works for CR1 but not for CR2
      com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol$CompletionFailure: file org\hornetq\core\server\management\Parameter.class not found


      Following are the jar files I have added in build class path


      I see a few classes missing in CR2 hornetq-core-client.jar (compared to that of CR1) which includes org\hornetq\core\management\Parameter.class


      Work around was to add hornetq-core.jar (instead of hornetq-core-client.jar) in build classpath.

      Any advise?


